9–11 Mar 2020
Berchmanianum, Nijmegen
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

LISA Waveform development and you

10 Mar 2020, 11:30
Chapel (Berchmanianum, Nijmegen)


Berchmanianum, Nijmegen

Houtlaan 4, 6525 XZ, Nijmegen


Maarten van de Meent (AEI Potsdam)


Waveform templates are necessary prerequisite for detecting gravitational waves and extracting information from them. The sources that LISA will observe set various new challenges for waveform development related to mass-ratio, eccentricity, and required waveform accuracy. I will review the waveform development activities in the LISA consortium, including both LISA science group work packages, and the activities of the LISA Waveform Working group. In particular, I will focus on aspects where input of the Astrophysics Working Group is needed.

Primary author

Maarten van de Meent (AEI Potsdam)

Presentation materials