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The LISA mission is progressing fast, despite the launch in ~2035. Adoption is planned within a year! We are organising the second NL LISA community day to inform all interested people about the status and developments of the LISA mission and the LISA-NL activities. The day will feature a key-note talk by Pratika Dayal (RUG) about LISA and massive black holes. There will also be updates on the LISA mission, it schedule and the LISA-NL activities that are intensifying due to the recent awards of a roadmap grant. We will end the day with a discussion session on the role NL wants to take in LISA data processing. This is the time to determine our position, since around adoption the data processing plans will have to become more concrete. We want to organise the NL-LISA data analysis work in a collaboration between SRON, Nikhef, SURF and the universities.
The meeting takes place in Leiden, with the possibility to participate remotely. The Zoom link gets sent to you via e-mail.